About Cliniva Healthcare Revenue Services LLC
We provide a professional, expert medical billing, collection and administrative services for medical practitioners. Whether you require a complete turnkey billing service from start to finish or just need temporary staffing our experienced medical billing and collection team is sure to impress you.
We have many years of experience in developing optimum denial management processes with the right inputs to get all your relevant departments working together, using common data and employing industry standards to create reliable benchmarks and attainable goals. Our expertise working with commercial and government payers keeps us on top of the latest changes in procedures and codes. We routinely handle common issues like Medicare ADRs, and state-specific logistics.
Avoid the costs and headaches of doing it yourself. Increase cash flow and reduce denials with our state-of-the-art submission and appeals system. Let our Medical billing team handle your entire medical billing management from start to finish.
Avoid the costs and headaches of doing your own medical billing.
Increase cash flow and reduce denials.
Take advantage of our state-of-the-art medical billing submission and appeals system.
Interested in learning more about how Cliniva Healthcare Revenue Services can help your practice be more successful? Please contact us at 915-219-4300 or info@clinivallc.com for more information.